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Advanced PerfectIt 5
Easy ways to work with the videos
Using Teachable
AP Module 1 – Setting up a style sheet
1A Notes, style guide and test document
1B Creating the style sheet (2:32)
AP Module 2 – Modifying the style sheet (Part A)
2A Module 2 introduction
2B Start modifying the style sheet (5:19)
AP Module 3 – Modifying the style sheet (Part B)
3A Module 3 introduction
3B Continue modifying the style sheet (5:44)
AP Module 4 – Modifying the style sheet (Part C)
4A Module 4 introduction
4B Finish modifying the style sheet (4:44)
AP Module 5 – Applying the style sheet
5A Module 5 introduction
5B Putting the style sheet to use (6:05)
AP Module 6 – Sections to check
6A Module 6 Introduction
6B Skipping and checking specific sections (6:12)
AP Module 7 – Chicago Manual of Style
7A Module 7 Introduction
7B Module 8 Video (3:53)
AP Module 8 – Summing up
8A Module 8 Introduction
8B Summary video (2:16)
8C Summing up quiz
8D Feedback, FAQs and certificates
FAQs about using PerfectIt
Q1: I followed the instructions, so why did PerfectIt miss some things?
Q2: How do I use wild cards with PerfectIt?
Q3: Can I change heading caps for created styles as well as for Word's built-in styles?
Q4: Does it matter whether hyphenation preferences are logged under hyphenation or spelling?
Q5: Can I combine style sheets in PerfectIt? (2:17)
Q6: Is there a PerfectIt style sheet for APA?
Q7: PerfectIt caught the missing comma in 11,450 but not in 9867, why did it do that?
7A Module 7 Introduction
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