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Introduction to PerfectIt Cloud
Module 1 – Getting started
1A Welcome to the course!
1B Course notes
1C Module 1 video (3:03)
1D Installing PerfectIt
Module 2 – PerfectIt in action
2A Module 2 introduction
2B Module 2 video (5:28)
2C Module 2 quiz
Module 3 – Running PerfectIt on a test document
3A Module 3 introduction
3B Module 3 video (8:01)
Module 4 – Using the style sheets and choosing tests
4A Module 4 introduction
4B Module 4 video (8:01)
Module 5 – Exploring other features
5A Module 5 introduction
5B Module 5 video (9:20)
5C Module 5 extra – Chicago Manual of Style (3:09)
Module 6 – Summing up
6A Module 6 introduction and video (2:30)
6B Module 6 quiz
6C Feedback, FAQs and certificates
FAQs about using PerfectIt
Q1: Can I track changes while using PerfectIt?
Q2: Does PerfectIt come with style guides?
Q3: Can a PerfectIt style sheet be printed?
Q4. Can I create a house style sheet in PerfectIt Cloud?
5B Module 5 video
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